Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Discussion Board Four

Discussion Board Four

Q In the following discussion board, please discuss your chosen set of "Pro/Con" articles from CQ Researcher by answering the following directives. In case you need it, the "Library Resources" page that explains how to access CQ Researcher is linked HERE. 1. Indicate the name of your chosen set of "Pro/Con" articles from CQ Researcher. 2. Indicate the articles' date of publication (remember that your articles must have been published within the past five years), 3. Indicate each of your chosen articles' authors (his or her name is listed on the "Pro/Con" page, often next to his or her picture). 4. What drew you to this set of articles? In other words, why did you choose this set of "Pro/Con" articles? 5. Which side (either the "Pro" article or the "Con" article) seems to have a stronger argument? Please explain why. 6. Do you believe both authors have presented persuasive arguments in their "Pro" or "Con" article? Please explain why or why not. 7. Indicate one rhetorical technique that the "Pro" article's author uses to persuade his/her audience. Why is this rhetorical technique effective? See the "Rhetorical Terms" article linked on the "Essay Three Introductory Reading Assignments" page for clarification about the techniques from which you should choose. 8. Indicate one rhetorical technique that the "Con" article's author uses to persuade his/her audience. Why is this rhetorical technique effective? See the "Rhetorical Terms" article linked on the "Essay Three Introductory Reading Assignments" page for clarification about the techniques from which you should choose. 9. What rhetorical appeal do you believe your "Pro" author relies upon most heavily. Why? While you may come to change your mind as you continue brainstorming and drafting, please indicate your initial thoughts. See the "Rhetorical Appeals" article linked on the "Essay Three Introductory Reading Assignments" page for clarification about the appeals from which you should choose. 10. What rhetorical appeal do you believe your "Con" author relies upon most heavily. Why? While you may come to change your mind as you continue brainstorming and drafting, please indicate your initial thoughts. See the "Rhetorical Appeals" article linked on the "Essay Three Introductory Reading Assignments" page for clarification about the appeals from which you should choose. 11. Indicate your initial thoughts about this assignment by answering each of the following questions: Does it seem interesting, and why or why not? Do any parts of the assignment seem confusing? If yes, which parts, and why? Do you feel confident as you move forward? If not, please explain why. Instructions for posting: Be sure to create a new thread when you post your original response with your name in it. When replying to other posts, please post on their original thread. (NOTE: A "thread" is a new "post." To post on the same "thread," click "reply" on another student's post.) When writing your post, be sure to write in complete sentences and to number your responses (re: the eleven directives listed above). You will be graded on the writing itself, as well as on answering all required areas of the post. Please see the grading rubric posted below for further details. Due Date: For this discussion board, you are only required to make your initial post. Due Tuesday, February 15, by 11:59 p.m. CST. You are welcome to respond to your classmates, but you are not required to do so. **Remember, if your chosen "Pro/Con" set of articles has already been chosen by another classmate, then you will need to pick another set of "Pro/Con" articles and re-post to this Discussion Board.

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1. The article that I chose is “Will the Supreme Court restrict rights to the procedure?” by Stephen Koff. 2. The article was published on March 1, 2019. 3. The “pro” article is written by Dr. Lauren Wondolowski, while the “con” article is written by Rachel N. Morrison, Esq. 4. I was drawn to the Pro/Con set of articles because it discusses some of the most important topics and involves the basic rights of the people.